Consulting Will Bring You to a New Level in Your Career

January 11, 2023

by Maiia Poliakova


Have you ever done any consulting cases? Do you know what is it? Or what does it give? My name is Maiia and I had this amazing consulting opportunity with Dr. Julia Ivy. She gave us an experience life as real specialists. I have done a consulting case for the Russian company VALO Hotel City for the globalization of the market and thanks to this experience I can say what a big contribution it gave to my future career. 

Valo Hotel City is an apart-hotel chain from Saint-Petersburg, Russia. 

Consulting VALO was useful to me in a variety of ways. The VALO case was exactly the predicament I shall confront in the future. To begin with, I am originally from Russia, and the simplest way for me to establish a business is there; but, due to the unfortunate Russian invasion of Ukraine, this may be problematic, and any firm should be globalized if it wishes to prosper. My final goal is to run a hotel business. Even though I will be able to establish my hotel business in about fifteen-twenty years and the war will be over, it will still have a significant negative influence on Russia, thus globalization of any Russian enterprise is crucial. I have made a significant professional investment in this VALO case in order to move closer to my aim. I learned a lot about running a hospitality business after consulting with VALO. Furthermore, I have gained new expertise in knowing how to study various markets, and companies, how to operate in a team, and how to engage with a client.  

After this project, I began thinking about working in business consulting since I liked how it was and I was interested in analyzing businesses and markets. With this position, I could earn a big amount of money to invest in my future hotel in order to open it. Furthermore, I learned how to correctly assess firms, which will be very important for me as a businessman (woman), as I will not need to hire a consultant because I will most likely be able to do it myself (with my current and upcoming experience).

How is consulting for a business going to help you? Learn more about it here.

My next step will be to put my acquired capital to use. It was beneficial even for my current business (coffee shop) because I was not considering any cultural differences of my customers, but now I will because my clients are not just locals, but also foreigners. I want my employees to learn English so they can converse with outsiders. Furthermore, I am planning to build a new coffee shop in Boston in a few years, so my knowledge of CAGE and industry and issue assessments will be quite beneficial to me.

As a result, I can say that any consulting that will be really useful for you. According to Crack The Interviews (2017): “As a consultant, you will work directly for CEOs and their executive teams very early in your career. This will enable you to start developing a lot of the soft skills you will need to become a senior executive later on”. You will be able to understand how business works, how to analyze it, and various markets, you will be able to learn how to communicate with the client and your team, measure and see all values of successful business owners and apply them in your future business, you can develop your professional skills and yourself from the experience of others. Besides, you will be able to get real-life experience and could broaden your resume and try a “new field”, maybe you will love it and would want to work with this, the same thing that happened with me. 

According to Crack The Interviews (2017): “Consulting provides exceptional opportunities to work with executives, progress quickly in your career, collaborate with talented people, and to travel to new places.”. By consulting you will be able to learn a lot in various spheres and later you will be able to understand what you really like and start your own business in that field. Consulting will bring you to a new level in your career, even if you are just starting with your career as an international student. 


About the Author

My name is Maiia and I am from Russia. Currently I am sophomore in Northeastern University and owner of coffee shop in Saint Petersburg, Russia. I had internship in Berlin in GPS Ventures GmbH in summer 2022 and used to be an accountant’s assistant in 2020.

Maiia Poliakova’s LinkedIn 

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